Very smart people have been trying really, really hard to make poverty history for a long time. Heck, they've been working very hard to make Africa just ever-so-slightly less hellish for a very long time. Debt relief is probably part of a potential solution, but without ending Africa's tendency to produce horrible, greedy dictatorships, debt relief is more akin to paying off a drug addict's credit cards.
Jonah Goldberg The scale of the task facing British Prime Minister Tony Blair in his drive to help Africa has been laid bare after it emerged that Nigeria's past rulers stole or misused £220 billion ($520 billion).
That is as much as all the Western aid given to Africa in almost four decades.
Sydney Morning Herald Their animating idea is the same one that was behind Lyndon Johnson's Great Society: Massive transfers of wealth can eradicate poverty. It didn't work in the U.S., and it has even less chance of working abroad.
Max Boot The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me.
Jesus Christ